NextAPI - A Next.js RESTful API Starter for building SaaS Apps

Are you looking to build a SaaS application, but don't want to spend time on the tedious backend code?

Look no further than NextAPI, a Next.js RESTful API Starter designed specifically for building SaaS apps.

NextAPI is a great starting point for anyone looking to build a SaaS app with Next.js.

With its powerful combination of Next.js, Supabase, and Prisma, it provides the perfect foundation for creating scalable and feature-rich SaaS apps.

One of the biggest advantages of using NextAPI is that it takes care of the heavy lifting for common SaaS features such as authentication, team management, invites, subscriptions, and more.

This means you can say goodbye to tedious backend boilerplate code and focus on what matters most - building user-friendly UI/UX that delight your customers.

Learn more about NextAPI at

NextAPI is currently in beta. Please report any bugs or issues you encounter on GitHub.

Built with


  • Authentication
  • Team Management
  • Team Invites
  • Subscriptions

API routes

NextAPI comes with a set of API routes that you can use within your React components.

POST/api/auth/signupSign up a new user
POST/api/auth/signinSign in an existing user
POST/api/teamsCreate a new team
GET/api/teamsGet all teams for user
GET/api/teams/:slugGet a team
DELETE/api/teams/:slugDelete a team
PUT/api/teams/:slugUpdate a team
POST/api/teams/:slug/invitesCreate a new invite
GET/api/teams/:slug/invitesGet all invites for team
GET/api/teams/:slug/invites/:inviteIdGet an invite
DELETE/api/teams/:slug/invites/:inviteIdDelete an invite
GET/api/teams/:slug/membersGet all members for team
PUT/api/teams/:slug/members/:memberIdUpdate a member
DELETE/api/teams/:slug/members/:memberIdDelete a member
GET/api/meGet current user
PUT/api/meUpdate current user

API Documentation

Emails are sent for the following events

  • When a new user signs up
  • When a new invite is created
  • When a user is added to a team
  • When a user is removed from a team

Getting started

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your forked repository
  • Navigate to the project directory
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server